Friday, March 20, 2015

Apricot Muffins

Here is a super simple easy recipe for some muffins.  I got these from my cousins blog but I had to change it up just a bit.  I really try hard to keep and do a recipe as is but then I change it!  I can't help it.

Here is what you want to start with......

Then to the food processor (a kitchen must have BTW.......)

Add to a sprayed muffin pan (these were my moms, so they are really really old aluminum pans. I love them!)

And about 18 min later, BAM........ you have some delicious muffins.  Share if you so desire, or eat all by yourself.  haha (I have totally done that!) =]


1 c. almond butter (recipe here)
1 c. dried apricots
1/2 c. unsweetened apple sauce (you can also use 1/2c. grated apple. I have it works great)
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla (I use homemade)
1/2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp coconut flour

1.  Add all items to the food processor and puree till you like the consistency of your apricots.  I like pieces in mine so I don't puree long.
2. Fill muffin pans.  Don't forget to spray.
3. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15-18 min.  Each oven is different so set timer for less time first.  Check muffins if you smell them.  Don't over cook these babies, they will dry out.  
4. Best to let cool for 1 min in pan then remove and cool on cooling rack.  Try to wait to eat after they cooled, good luck!  =]  
5. questions:  feel free to email me or post question in comments on blog.  =]

VEGAN FREE: You need to use egg substitute.  You can try flax eggs.  I have not tried it yet.  =]

Enjoy, go get baking.......

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