Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sweet Potato Hash Browns

I mentioned before that I am not real strict on any type of diet, I eat all types of food because I enjoy it and we are lucky enough in our family to not have any kind of food allergies.

I do however like to eat clean food to fuel my body.  I eat a lot of paleo foods and this is one of them.  I created this recipe years and years ago.  I only have one picky eater and he doesn't enjoy sweet potatoes but this recipe can be done with regular potatoes as well.

 The Mix:

Here is what you need to make these delicious little cakes.

Sweet potato hash browns:

2 white sweet potatoes (washed and grated) (can use regular potatoes if you'd like)
1/2 white onion grated
4 green onions chopped
6 slices of bacon
salt and pepper
2 eggs (3 if your potatoes are larger)
1/2c. coconut milk

Grate and chop items and add to a mixing bowl.   Put all ingredients into the bowl and mix well.  Heat pan to med low heat and spray.  Make sure to stir mix up before each time you put a scoop on the pan.  Once you add a scoop (about 1/2c) flatten down and let cook for about 8 min or so.  Once the first side is brown flip over.  These are good any time of the day, breakfast, lunch or dinner.  I have had them with all 3!  My picture above shows with breakfast but I have also served along side a dinner as a side.  They work great.  You can also store mix in fridge for several days for another meal!  =]  Enjoy~

VEGETARIAN: take out bacon and add a little liquid smoke instead
VEGAN:  Take out eggs and just use coconut milk

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